Jumat, 10 Januari 2025

Friday Agenda: Gymnastics "Senam Anak Sehat , Indonesia Hebat" the Big Family of SMK Kesehatan Bantul

SMK Kesehatan Bantul invited all teachers, employees and students to exercise together in the Gymnastics (Senam Bersama) of the Big Family of SMK Kesehatan Bantul.On Friday, 10 January 2025, SMK Kesehatan Bantul held a Friday morning agenda (apel pagi Jumat). Today's agenda was Jumat Kesehatan. This Friday agenda began at 7 in the parking area led by the Head of Student Affairs (Waka Kesiswaan). It was followed by the inspections from him.

Took place in the school parking area, all students and teachers have filled the place since 7 a.m. Everyone participated happily and enthusiasticly to follow the  gymnastics together guided by the instructor, Mrs. Triya as the sport teacher. The gymnastics used was Senam Anak Indonesia Hebat with the duration of 8 minutes and it was repeated several times.

It was hoped that by doing gymnastics routinely, it can maintain physical and mental health so that it can improve students' concentration skills.

Written by : Maria Dea W.

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