Kamis, 30 Januari 2025

Spiritual Assistance for Christian Students at SMK Kesehatan Bantul

On Thursday, 30 January 2025, SMK Kesehatan Bantul held "pengajian dan doa bersama" for all teachers, employees and students. "Pengajian" was held for employees, teachers and Moslem students.
Meanwhile, "Pendampingan Rohani Kristiani" was held for Christian students that was led by Mr. Rogatianus Slamet and accompanied by Mrs. Maria Dea. 

All Catholic and Christian students and teachers gathered in the DKV laboratory. This spiritual assistance activity was filled with praying and reflection together. 

In this devotional activities, all students were asked to look for verses in the Holy Bible that serve as examples in everyday life. It was hoped that this verse will become a guide for each person's life in carrying out the commandments of Jesus Christ. At the end of the joint prayer meeting, Mr. Slamet and Mrs. Dea added that Christian students could be "garam dan terang dunia" at SMK Kesehatan Bantul . Even though they were  minority, it is hoped that Christian students can bring a good name and be an inspiration and blessing to others.

Hopefully, by carrying out this activity, it can grow the hope of the students who believe in the teachings of Jesus. Including the hope that there will be enthusiasm for learning so that grade 12 students are ready to face final exams, class 10 and 11 students will be ready to face final semester exams and will be ready to face PKL for grade 11 students.

Writer: Maria Dea W

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