Senin, 03 Februari 2025


On Monday, 3 February 2025, the school agenda was the inauguration of the Bantul Health Team (TKB)/ Tim Kesehatan of SMK Kesehatan Bantul. The school principal, Drs. Slamet Raharja, M.Pd., led the  inauguration which started at 7 a.m. in the school field. The inauguration was based on the decree of SMK Kesehatan Bantul number 420/065/BAN.K concerning the Formation of the 10th Batch of SMK Kesehatan Bantul. The principal read the decree loudly along with the tasks must be done by the TKB members for one year ahead.

Here are the tasks of the TKB team, they include:
 -carrying out daily pickets at school clinic (UKS) 
-assisting school in PPDB to check new students' health
-handling the health problems among students and teachers -assisting event programs or other activities that require assistance from the TKB team
-distributing nutrition at school and  maintaining inventory of medicines and UKS equipment
-activating the existence of school Red Cross Youth (PMR). 

TKB members consist of 38 student members and are guided by 5 teachers. The head of the TKB Team is Mrs. Dwi Kusmiyati, S.Kep., Ners., who is also the teacher who teaches nursing subjects. The other teachers from nursing, pharmacy and laboratory medic programs are also involved in the team.

Congratulations to all the members of the Health Team/ Tim Kesehatan SMK Kesehatan Bantul (TKB) 2025. We hope that the members will always be able to carry out the duties well.

Written by: Maria Dea W

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